Labor Day Weekend - Truly Laborious

(Click on picture for larger view)

2 Sep 2000
Not so many pictures today as lots of the work involved things that don't look so dramatic. They had to take off the furring strips and bust loose lots of plaster to get access to where the new beams will go. They put one of the new beams up to see how things would go. Vent stack pipes had to be moved, and they discussed how to move electical wiring with the least disruption to household needs - you can see there are lots of electrical conduit that will have to go through the new beams. Notice in today's last picture that they cleaned up too.


3 Sep 2000
Today, there was time spent on cleaning out the debri that accumulates in an attic. Plus more measuring. The afternoon got interupted when Dave and Sam had to go secure a school that had been broken into. But before stopping for the day, they got the first beam cut to size and fitted in.

4 Sep 2000
Progress is slow but steady